Sunday, February 18, 2007

Scrotum Scrotum Scrotum Scrotum

I don't remember being one of those kinds of kids who would immediately do what they'd just been ordered not to do. You know, if my mom said, "Don't touch the stove," then I wouldn't instantly touch the stove.

But that some school librarians are talking about banning a Newbery award winning book because it uses the word "scrotum" in the opening pages...well, you see how I've reacted. The Newbery award is one of the most prestigious awards in children's literature. The scrotum in question is the scrotum of a dog, and the protagonist overhears the word. A rattlesnake has bit the aforementioned dog in the aforementioned place.

Good God, librarians! Even if you don't have those things that go inside a scrotum, at least find your spine! Or your brain. Scrotum is a clinical term. The situation in this children's story is not sexual. Let's not foster fear of body parts. Please.

I have to go out now. I have a book to buy and a word to mutter to myself over and over and over and over.

1 comment:

Maureen Child said...

OHMIGOD! I cannot tell you how depressing it is to hear librarians wanting to ban books!

This is appalling. Seriously.